Friday, April 16, 2010

solitary confinement

Many people today contest the use of solitary confinement in the US as it is currently being practiced. i agree with the way that it is practiced today because i believe those who are closest to the situation, the prison officials, are most knowledgeable on the individuals in prison and because of this, they should be in complete control of the solitary confinement system. We should not put laws in place because we do not know all the details of the situation like those close to the prison do.
If i had to put a max amount of time that the prisoners could spend on solitary confinement however i would say about 5 years because that seems like a sufficient amount of time for any individual to be protected from others or to protect others from him. Building on this, i would also recommend that there be no cap on how many times that a prisoner could be put in solitary because many prisoners, i would imagine, go right back to the ways they did thing outside of solitary when they get out of it.
As of now, prisoners are not able to appeal the decisions of these prison officials and i would not give prisoners the ability to challenge or appeal their solitary confinement because for one, the prison officials would have to have proof for all of these cases and in many cases that would be extremely difficult to obtain and would lead to many dangerous prisoners out and about in the prison circulation.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


i dont think gangs can ever and will ever stop. therefore, i think we should spend the resources and money on people that would actuallty appreciate it. we could put the money into places where if the members of the community want to get help they can such as libraries and schools. give the people who want to better themselves the tools to. gangs are a problem in rochester today but if the people in the gangs arent going to stop then theres nothing we can do. we can only encourage people to stay away from the gang lifestyle but they already dont listen anyway so there would be no point in putting resources in a place that there is no benefit from putting those resources into. instead of putting money and manpower into combatting gangs, we should put that into protecting the ones they hurt because they will always be around and it would just be a waste of time to fight that.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Capital Punishment

I agree with the death penalty. i believe to a point, it is an effective deterrent to crime because it prevents the chance of those criminals getting out again on the streets however it probably doesn't scare future criminals away from committing these crimes. That is benefit also, it keeps the criminals who already committed the terrible crimes off the streets but the weaknesses are also there. When people commit crimes I'm sure the last thing they think about it not doing it because they might get the death penalty for it. also, another weakness is that for the few people who actually do think about the consequences of the crime they are about to commit, the criminals don't see the death penalty as a bad punishment because they are willing to die.

Its surprising to find out that the death penalty is so expensive too. My solution to this would be to limit the number of appeals to 1, time on death row to 5 years, and then stop with the lethal injection and just go with the firing squad. Bullets are like 6 cents so it would definitely save money and help the government get out of some debt. We'd also save money on housing these convicts with life without parole because it works out to about the same over time, the death penalty just has higher costs upfront.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Insanity defense

The ability to plead insanity in my eyes is not a good law at all. It is common knowledge that this defense is overused and taken advantage of by people looking for an easy way out of a crime. Even if the people are truly insane then they are the last people i want to see out in the streets in a few months anyway. Also, the point of the judicial system should be to look at each crime without any emotional connection and with this insanity defense, it provides a moral check that has no place in the system.
What constitutes insanity in this country is not knowing the difference of right and wrong. That's it. And this rule has been in place since 1843, McNaughton rule. That seems a little outdated to me. There should be multiple tests by multiple specialists in the psychology field to decide if this person is actually crazy.
The person who drowned her 5 kids and got off with insanity after a history in and out of institutions, got away with living in an open metal help facility. She should have received capital punishment for her actions because she thought about doing this more multiple years and after she did it, she got away with it basically. I personally don't care if she is crazy enough to kill all of her kids because she thought she was a bad mother, I never want to see her in America ever again and I'm pretty sure no other Americans want to see her here either. For that reason, she should receive capital punishment or deported to some other country. That way we don't have to pay for her shelter, food, and water, like we are doing now with taxpayers money.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

solution to solve crime

while it may be impossible to solve crime completely, there is something people can do today to significantly reduce it in the united states. since most crime is caused by economic struggles and environments with generally poor neighborhoods, this is where we need to shift our focus. while charities continue to pump money into these regions, the government needs to do what it can to bring the cities into a healthy and an overall better community to live in.

The government needs to first and foremost bring jobs back to the inner city. the unemployment rate for in the inner city for African American males is at 30%, much higher than the 9.7% national average. One way to bring jobs back would be to give business incentives to domestic companies who build and assemble their products in America. This could very well work because in recent months, the American people seemed to become more confident with American products, as seen with the Ford Motors financial gains the last few months.

After helping out the economy, the education trends in these areas would end because kids would stop dropping out of school and looking for jobs because their parents would finally be able to provide for them.

While it may be impossible to reduce crime significantly, helping out the economy may be one of the only answers to stop it from continuing the increasing trend.