Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Capital Punishment

I agree with the death penalty. i believe to a point, it is an effective deterrent to crime because it prevents the chance of those criminals getting out again on the streets however it probably doesn't scare future criminals away from committing these crimes. That is benefit also, it keeps the criminals who already committed the terrible crimes off the streets but the weaknesses are also there. When people commit crimes I'm sure the last thing they think about it not doing it because they might get the death penalty for it. also, another weakness is that for the few people who actually do think about the consequences of the crime they are about to commit, the criminals don't see the death penalty as a bad punishment because they are willing to die.

Its surprising to find out that the death penalty is so expensive too. My solution to this would be to limit the number of appeals to 1, time on death row to 5 years, and then stop with the lethal injection and just go with the firing squad. Bullets are like 6 cents so it would definitely save money and help the government get out of some debt. We'd also save money on housing these convicts with life without parole because it works out to about the same over time, the death penalty just has higher costs upfront.

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